How diabetes increases the risk of brain hemorrhage

Diabetes is probably one of the most neglected diseases among the general population which would lead to many morbid illnesses in the middle to elderly age groups. The occurrence of diabetes could be from the adolescent years as in type I diabetes or else in the middle to elderly age as in the case of type II diabetes.


When talking about a patient with diabetes, a clinician would be vigilant about the fact that, they may have other co-morbid conditions such as hypertension, high blood cholesterol or else heart and kidney diseases. Among them, the presence of hypertension would be more relevant to the topic that we are discussing.

If we consider the complications that are possible in a diabetic patient, strokes would come higher in the list which would be lead by complications such as diabetic eye disease, kidney disease and sensory damage particularly related to the feet. But, when considering the type of stroke that is more common in diabetic patients, ischemic type of events would be more common that the hemorrhagic type which is under discussion. At the same time, experts are of the opinion that, hemorrhagic type of strokes among diabetic patient is not directly influenced by the person’s impaired blood sugar control. Thus, what makes people speculate that there is a link between diabetes and the occurrence of hemorrhagic strokes?

The following is a possible explanation.


In diabetic patients, it is possible for the blood vessels to lose its elasticity and become stiff. At the same time, the fluid overload or retention that may occur in diabetic patients would actually make the blood volume to rise. When considering as a whole, all these events can lead to one thing and this would be an elevated blood pressure.


Apart from what was mentioned above, the increased incidence of obesity among diabetics as well as other co-morbid factors can also lead to high blood pressures.


The risk having such a high blood pressure would be the possible instant burst that it can cause in fragile blood vessels. As such, if the patient is having fragile blood vessels in the brain or else a berry aneurysm, it can burst and give rise to a hemorrhagic stroke among these individuals. The matter can become worse when considering the fact that other tiny blood vessels could also be blocked due to atherosclerosis among diabetics, and therefore the collateral blood circulation would also be disrupted, leading to a more damaging effect or a prolonged recovery.


Therefore, the association of hemorrhagic strokes among diabetics would be linked with the higher incidence of high blood pressureamong these patients.

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