Best exercise to avoid diabetes study

The best type of exercise to reduce the risk of diabetes and combat obesity-related illness in Maori men is the focus of a Massey University study.

Dr Isaac Warbrick from the School of Sport and Exercise is leading the three-year study involving 40 participants from the Manawatu and Horowhenua region.

They are defined as being aged over 25, inactive, with a body mass index (BMI) over 25 but “outwardly healthy,” Dr Warbrick said. The men will be split into three groups with each assigned a different mode of exercise: resistance (weight) training, cardio (swimming, running, cycling) and a mix of both. They will have group exercise sessions with a trainer for periods of 30 minutes, three times a week for 12 weeks.

“We are ultimately going to assess the impact of that 12 weeks on metabolic health, the risk of diabetes, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance,” he said.

“But we’ll also measure subjective wellbeing. We’ll be doing qualitative analysis, asking them about their thoughts and preferences towards exercise and physical activity.”

The study will be conducted in three waves with the first group soon to start their exercise programme. It will also evaluate the impact the exercise programme had on overall wellness such as the men’s time with family, mood and outlook.

“It will identify from a physiological standpoint if there is one exercise superior to another, while assessing the impact of exercise participation on overall wellbeing and attitudes towards exercise.”

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