Sphynx Index

Sphynx beer is based on an Ancient Egyptian Recipe. They are known to have many important health benefits. But, most of all, they tastes great! Dr. Kim wrote a very popular book, titled “A Beer Story ” on this beer. Contact Sphynx Beverages Inc. for more details.

This is the cover for the upcoming english version of the book “A Beer Story”
Read the first chapter of the book.



Dr. Kim appears on Coreamedia Newspaper talking about his new beer and book.

See labels for the upcoming beers.


Sphynx Beer-barley & Sphynx Beer-vinegar

Again, based on Ancient Egyptian recipes. Known to have important health benefits. Powerful anti-oxidant for Cancer Prevention, Immune System Boosting. These are health foods developed from the health promoting secrets of Sphynx Beer. Recommended by doctors to those people with chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, etc…and for general health promotion purposes. For more information, contact Sphynx Beverages Inc.